How Can Teens Be
Motivated to Pursue Christ?
There’s no
denying that the youth culture today is in desperate need of an awakening.
There are teens who are yearning for identity, approval, role models, and
intimacy—yet they’re searching for this in the wrong areas.
Of course,
this longing—to belong, find connection, and be understood—isn’t planted inside
of teens only. However, it seems like it becomes more pronounced in the teen
years. This longing only enhances as teens are faced with the typical issues
that often arise in high school—such as bullying. Depression. Temptation.
Pressure from school, friends, and home. Add this to emotional angst brought on
by hormones, as well as life-altering decisions they often face during this
This is why so many teens today
turn to the world in attempt to fill this void. To give them the identity,
approval, and intimacy that they long for.
Yet what
they’re really searching for is hope
in the midst of pain, peace in the midst of chaos, and a friend to walk with
them in their heartache.
Yes, what they’re really searching
for is Jesus.
My desire
is to tap into this longing within teens and show them that this is an
emptiness that only Christ can fill. I want teen girls to experience the
fulfillment that comes from having a relationship with Him. To know what it’s
like to have Him bring meaning to every day.
This desire is what drove me to
write COFFEE SHOP DEVOS: DAILY PICK-ME-UP FOR TEEN GIRLS (releasing September 2018).
I wanted
to write a devotional for teen girls that could be non-intimidating and
inviting. Because if we preach at teens by pointing at their sins and telling
them they need Christ, they’ll most likely be motivated to run in the opposite
direction. However, if we instead introduce them to Him by already tapping into
their needs, then I believe they’ll be more willing to listen.
devotions in COFFEE SHOP DEVOS are conversational and relational. This is why I
chose coffee as the theme—in hopes to provide a warm and familiar atmosphere
for the devotions.
Each devotional was written in a
way that, hopefully, will show teen girls that God is the One they’re longing
for. Through His
eyes, we are understood. Accepted. Loved. Forgiven. And it’s from this
relationship that we can receive the peace, love, joy, and hope that we long
In other words: Everything the
world attempts to provide us can only be found in Christ.
In this
book, teens will have the opportunity to find devotions that speak to their
current situations. The “menu” (table of contents) is categorized by their
daily needs—Latte, Comfort in Trials; Espresso, Joy for the Moment; Americano,
Everyday Issues, etc.
In each
chapter, teens will find a coffee recipe based on that chapter’s specific
drink. Then, at the end of each devotion, they’re invited to continue the
devo’s conversation by answering a question on social media and posting a photo
of their beverage using the hashtag #CoffeeShopDevos
This is all
in hopes that girls will find what they’re searching for—and along the way,
understand that a life with Christ isn’t restricting; in fact, it’s the
opposite. It’s nourishing, satisfying, and fulfilling.
Even more
so than their favorite lattes. ;)
Each of the 180 challenging and motivational
devotions will leave you feeling refreshed and reinvigorated--almost as though
you've shared a steaming pot of brew at a coffee shop with your Creator.
There’s no
denying that the youth culture today is in desperate need of an awakening.
There are teens who are yearning for identity, approval, role models, and
intimacy—yet they’re searching for this in the wrong areas.
Of course,
this longing—to belong, find connection, and be understood—isn’t planted inside
of teens only. However, it seems like it becomes more pronounced in the teen
years. This longing only enhances as teens are faced with the typical issues
that often arise in high school—such as bullying. Depression. Temptation.
Pressure from school, friends, and home. Add this to emotional angst brought on
by hormones, as well as life-altering decisions they often face during this
This is why so many teens today
turn to the world in attempt to fill this void. To give them the identity,
approval, and intimacy that they long for.
Yet what
they’re really searching for is hope
in the midst of pain, peace in the midst of chaos, and a friend to walk with
them in their heartache.
Yes, what they’re really searching
for is Jesus.
My desire
is to tap into this longing within teens and show them that this is an
emptiness that only Christ can fill. I want teen girls to experience the
fulfillment that comes from having a relationship with Him. To know what it’s
like to have Him bring meaning to every day.
This desire is what drove me to
write COFFEE SHOP DEVOS: DAILY PICK-ME-UP FOR TEEN GIRLS (releasing September 2018).
I wanted
to write a devotional for teen girls that could be non-intimidating and
inviting. Because if we preach at teens by pointing at their sins and telling
them they need Christ, they’ll most likely be motivated to run in the opposite
direction. However, if we instead introduce them to Him by already tapping into
their needs, then I believe they’ll be more willing to listen.
devotions in COFFEE SHOP DEVOS are conversational and relational. This is why I
chose coffee as the theme—in hopes to provide a warm and familiar atmosphere
for the devotions.
Each devotional was written in a
way that, hopefully, will show teen girls that God is the One they’re longing
for. Through His
eyes, we are understood. Accepted. Loved. Forgiven. And it’s from this
relationship that we can receive the peace, love, joy, and hope that we long
In other words: Everything the
world attempts to provide us can only be found in Christ.
In this
book, teens will have the opportunity to find devotions that speak to their
current situations. The “menu” (table of contents) is categorized by their
daily needs—Latte, Comfort in Trials; Espresso, Joy for the Moment; Americano,
Everyday Issues, etc.
In each
chapter, teens will find a coffee recipe based on that chapter’s specific
drink. Then, at the end of each devotion, they’re invited to continue the
devo’s conversation by answering a question on social media and posting a photo
of their beverage using the hashtag #CoffeeShopDevos
This is all
in hopes that girls will find what they’re searching for—and along the way,
understand that a life with Christ isn’t restricting; in fact, it’s the
opposite. It’s nourishing, satisfying, and fulfilling.
Even more
so than their favorite lattes ☺
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Coffee Shop Devos offers a warm atmosphere that will inspire you to discover your God-given purpose and live to your greatest potential. Choose your devo flavor in the Menu of Contents based on your current need. Then lean into deeper intimacy with Christ through reflection and prayer. Along the way, you'll pick up tips and recipes for making your own coffee-shop beverage--regular or decaf--to enjoy while you read. And don't forget to share your journey with your friends! #CoffeeShopDevos
Each of the 180 challenging and motivational devotions will leave you feeling refreshed and reinvigorated--almost as though you've shared a steaming pot of brew at a coffee shop with your Creator.
How do you motivate
teens to pursue a relationship with Christ? What are some approaches that don’t seem to work?
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