Friday, May 12, 2017

Calm the Waters, Lord ♦ Devotion ♦ Ray Hawkins

Calm the Waters Lord.
 a devotion from Australian writer Ray Hawkins

            My son and daughter in law own a tourist venture called Seahorse World.  They also export these fascinating creatures to various aquariums around the World. Collecting baby seahorses requires the waters of the tanks to be calm. This meant catching them before the adults stirred and were fed. Water flow and air pressure were lessened also as swirling waters in the tanks make it difficult to see beneath the surface. Often as I’ve been doing this the statement by Jesus strikes to mind, ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’ Matthew 11:28.

            Jesus didn’t promise to fix the problems causing agitation. Why? Surely He could have sorted out the issues, lifted the burden or solved the problem! In effect, He would have been the puppet master, not a disciple’s Lord. By offering us a calm spirit Jesus trusted us to evaluate what caused our weariness or produced the burden. Peace of mind shrinks a burden to a manageable size. When we have inner quietness God’s word is able to refresh our weariness. The issues confronting us have not disappeared but now we have, by the Lord’s grace, a more confident grip on them.

            Three words give directions for calming the turbulence of our soul. In the reading they are, ‘Come!’  ‘Take!’   ‘Learn!  To ‘come’ is an act of faith in the Lordship of Jesus. You, I make a conscious effort to enter His presence in prayer, meditation, worship and Scripture reading. ‘Take’ is a willingness to identify with the Lord’s interests. The concept of the ‘yoke’ requires us to submit ourselves to Him and His teachings. In so doing it isn’t long before we realise, He is doing most of the load sharing. To ‘learn’ is expressing humility by acknowledging we don’t have all, or even a few, of the answers for what is sapping our inner being. Regardless of how long we have been yoked to the Lord there is always something to learn from His word. Only then will we be walking in step with him.

Doing this by faith enables The Lord Jesus to calm the troubled ‘waters’ of our soul. In clear mindedness our decisions and responses will then arise from godly wisdom and spirituality maturity.

Raymond N. Hawkins
P.O.Box 379
Beauty Point
Australia 7270.

                                          Ray is a retired Churches of Christ (Australia) minister.
Mary, his wife is a multi-published author of Inspirational Romance, set mainly in Australia. They have three children and six grandchildren.
Live in Northern Tasmania.

Ray writes Biblically themed 31 day devotionals.

Works by Ray Hawkins include:
**Children, God’s Special Interest.
**From Eden with Love.
(The mystery and majesty of Marriage from the Biblical viewpoint)
**Bethlehem’s Warrior Baby. (Understanding Christmas)
**Captured by Calvary. (The wonder of the Cross)

**Dynamic Ageing. (We are never too old or infirm to be precious to God)
**Signposts to Happiness. (Beatitudes from the Scriptures)

**The Warrior Lord’s Sword. (Reflections on what the Bible says about itself).
**The Warrior Lord’s Triumph. (Reflections on the Lord’s Return to Reign).

These are 31 day themed devotional meditations.
They have been published by EBP – a division of Wombat Books, Capalaba, Queensland, Australia.
Christian bookshops have them. Also as Ebooks.
You can purchase them direct from the author.

Poems - We love Because… (a celebration of 50years of marriage.)
                The Weakness of God. (About Christ and the Cross)

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