Monday, September 28, 2020

 I am sorry to inform all of you, but Peggy, my mother, has passed on early Wednesday morning. Her heart just quit, so she passed peacefully with no pain.

I do know that Mom loved you all dearly, and thank you for supporting her all these years. She loved writing and everything related to her passion.

Please know that Mom is now with her family, Jesus and is happy. Remember her with a smile.

Rest in Peace, Mom. I love you.

Your Daughter, Heidi

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

YOU'RE BRILLIANT ~ Julie Arduini ~ Co-author Interview

It's "What's New Wednesday" and Whispers in Purple welcomes author Julie Arduini with her newest release in a unique interview.

You’re Brilliant: Interview with Mother-Daughter Authors Julie Arduini & Hannah Arduini

 Julie Arduini is an inspy romance author who uses Upstate NY settings, surrender issues, and a chocolate mention in her books. A couple years ago her daughter completed middle school with extra challenges. As they processed the experience, Hannah began explaining how she wished she could help encourage other girls before they go through similar things. Hannah processed it by storytelling, and Julie realized there was a worthy story. She encouraged Hannah to continue the story, and Julie would make sure it was published. Hannah plotted a three-book series called Surrendering Stinkin’ Thinkin’. You’re Brilliant, the final book in the series, is now available on Amazon. 

What’s You’re Brilliant About?

Hannah: It’s realizing that even if you’re weird or you don’t think you/re good enough, you are.

Julie: It uses a mentoring ministry to weave a story between girls in high school and a pastor’s wife in a new environment. The girls and the women are all in different ways struggling with believing the lie they’re failures and incompetent. The series is Surrendering Stinkin’ Thinkin’. 

Do you have a favorite character in You’re Brilliant?

Hannah: No. I love them all.

Julie: I feel the same as Hannah. I can relate to Cheri. Even as an adult I struggle with insecurity, especially when I try something new. However, I love Bethany. She’s got spunk and a sense of justice. KJ was a new character and she’s important. She appears to have everything going for her but she’s in a bad situation. We created her to show anyone can enter an issue like that, and it is not their fault.

What do you hope readers take away from You’re Brilliant?

Hannah: I hope with all the books that readers would know deep down they have value.

Julie: So many things. I want readers to know they are deeply loved and highly valued by our Heavenly Father, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. I hope they find a support system much like Linked, a trusted group of friends and mentors who can pray, laugh, and help them. And I really hope in KJ’s story, if any girl/woman is experiencing abuse, even verbal, that they seek help and leave the relationship without blaming themselves. 

What’s next for you? Will you keep writing?

Hannah: I might. Maybe.

Julie: Hannah has what it takes if she wants to keep writing. As for me, I’m back writing clean/contemporary romance with a new series called Surrendering Hearts. The premise surrounds sextuplets who remain in the national spotlight after a tragedy. Each book features a sibling and their quest to find a love as strong as what their parents had. The first is Anchored Hearts. Jordyn Bell Hart is the oldest sibling and dotes on everyone and everything with care and control. Spencer Collins thought his life after college would be full of family and opportunity. When WFRN creates a local morning show and taps Jordyn and Spencer to co-anchor, can these two surrender their need for control?


From the Back Cover:

Amazing things happen when a group of high school students and women discover they are more than competent.

Bethany’s not excited to start high school in a new community where she doesn’t know anyone. She quickly befriends KJ, a popular sophomore, and it looks like the transition will go well until Bethany discovers KJ’s boyfriend is a bully. With a strong sense of justice, Bethany challenges Brent Sullivan, and he’s determined to make her suffer.

Cheri takes on an additional job in a school to help pay for Sabrina’s wedding. It’s a different atmosphere than at the church where she feels more comfortable as the pastor’s wife and mentor with the Linked ministry. After several mishaps, Cheri feels like she’s found an assignment where she can make a difference until a teacher belittles her work.

Can Bethany and Cheri resist the lies about their competency and hold on to the fact they’re brilliant?

The final book in the Surrendering Stinkin’ Thinkin’ series for tweens, teens, and women of all ages by mother and daughter authors Julie Arduini and Hannah Arduini.

 Purchase Links:

You’re Brilliant: YA/Women’s Fiction. Free on Kindle Unlimited

You’re Brilliant:

You’re Brilliant, softcover:


About Julie:

Julie Arduini loves to encourage readers to find freedom in Christ by surrendering the good, the bad, and ---maybe one day---the chocolate. She’s the author of the contemporary romance series SURRENDERING TIME, (Entrusted, Entangled, Engaged,) as well as the stand-alone novellas, MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN and RESTORING CHRISTMAS. She also shares her story in the infertility devotional, A WALK IN THE VALLEY. Her other latest release, YOU’RE BRILLIANT, is for girls ages 10-100, written with her teenaged daughter, Hannah, and is book 3 in their SURRENDERING STINKIN’ THINKIN’ series. She blogs every other Wednesday for Christians Read, as well as monthly with Inspy Romance. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two children. Learn more by visiting her at, where she invites readers to opt in to her content full of resources and giveaway opportunities. 






Friday, September 18, 2020

JAMES WILCOX ~ My Encounter With the Lord ~ Devotional

 My Encounter with the Lord

by James Wilcox


Image courtesy

I dearly love this saying. “It isn’t of great concern…a child who fears the dark.”  But this is tragic…an adult who fears The Light!”  I can assure you…The Light is nothing to fear.                                                                                                 

September 21, 2011 started out like most mornings. Even though I had been having some chest pains off and on over the last several days, the past thirty-six hours had been pain free. Yet getting up that Wednesday morning, I somehow knew the pain was going to return. Nonetheless, I went outside a little before seven to do my chores. By the time I finished, the pain was the worst it had ever been. My chest felt like it would explode!  Approaching a tractor, I leaned on it, my vision beginning to blur.                                                                                                       


I suddenly realized that death was very near and it frightened me. However, the fear quickly left and never returned as I became aware of a caring light that enveloped me. It was paper-thin but was enough to keep the utter, unbelievable, coal black darkness next to it, away from me. I was not seeing any colors, only white and black. I didn’t see Him, yet I knew with all certainty it was Jesus who asked me if I wanted to live. Immediately, I answered, “Yes.” 

There were many things that began to happen. The light pushed hard against the endless darkness, moving it back several feet. Until then, I felt I was suffocating because the blackness was so heavy and seemed so determined. I thought about lying down but knew for certain, if I voluntarily lay down, I would surely die! I decided to try and make it to the car, which was about eighty feet away. Without realizing it, I was beginning my journey through ‘The Valley of the Shadow of Death.’ During this walk and for a short time afterward, I have no memory of the relentless pain in my chest. When I began to walk, the sinister darkness attacked the light, battering against it constantly. As the protecting light was pushed in at various spots, it repelled the single-minded darkness every time and maintained its posture. Walking on, this action continued and was now occurring at a faster pace than when it began. Many times, the harsh darkness formed a cone, ramming into the light, attempting to penetrate it. I reasoned from the beginning of this battle, if there were even a hole smaller than the size of a tiny pin in the serene light, the ruthless darkness would get through and I would be engulfed in complete blackness. Suddenly, I heard a voice asking. “What if you fall down?” There is no doubt in my mind; Satan himself had asked this question!                                                       

 Without any misgivings, I quickly and confidently answered. “If I can’t help it, I needn’t be worried.” The constant, persistent, ramming and repelling was even faster now. I ignored the possibility of involuntarily falling as I continued to walk, not fearing what might happen, should I fall.                                                            

 Reaching the car, I stood against it. The raging battle began to subside, and then stopped altogether. Jesus inquired once again. “Do you want to live?” My mind said, “Yes,” but I really didn’t give an answer, being certain my response needed to be delayed. I now saw a door. An image behind it was obscure through a glass but nonetheless there…Jesus Himself! Suddenly, I realized I was in a very unique room. This rectangular room was not large but had a ceiling, hardwood floor and walls. The door Jesus was standing behind was at one end. The other end was completely open to the world I knew. Gazing at it, I even saw colors! Having no desire to go to that familiar world, this one-of-a-kind room quickly drew my focus back to itself. I was awestruck, at great peace, very content and felt totally secure in this extraordinary room which was full of wondrous light. The soothing light was comforting beyond description! Somehow, I could see the darkness was confined on the outside of the two walls and ceiling. This matchless room had no roof.  All of a sudden, I was sure, if I chose to die, Jesus would be a bit disappointed in me, yet I would still be welcomed into heaven. It made me realize God must still have something more for me to do in the world!

 The moment was now upon me to respond to the all-important question Jesus had asked. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, I discerned the answer I needed to give Jesus was not a simple “yes” or “no,” but involved a great deal more. Was my faith and relationship I professed with my Savior a facade or was it real? Without any concern about the outcome, it was with complete sincerity, release, trust, and peace I answered His question saying, “You decide. It’s up to You.”

 Instantly, the darkness cowered away in retreat to a point I could no longer see it being replaced with that marvelous, all-encompassing light. Next, the door, image and room were gone as life started to become normal again, except for the Herculean pain deep in my chest. I managed to get the car in front of the yard, made my way into the house and in a few minutes was taken to our local hospital by members of my family.

 I will always remember the peace that continued to dwell deep within me on arrival at our local emergency room. There was never any uncertainty in my mind that God would see me thorough whatever lay ahead. Since our small rural hospital isn’t equipped to handle a major heart attack victim, a Flight for Life helicopter was called to take me to a hospital in Colorado Springs. Given the way our medical system works, I should have been taken to a hospital in Pueblo. Was it oversight? I’m sure it wasn’t! It was unbelievable how every event of that day fell into place like a well-fitting puzzle. Only God could have orchestrated it. Later that same day, I had triple bypass surgery and spent six days in the hospital.    

 Am I bitter because I had to endure the pain, trauma, expense, and inconvenience that accompany heart surgery? Not in the least. God allowed me to encounter Him in an unprecedented way and took me on a spiritual adventure I wouldn’t trade for the entire universe!


James is a lifelong rancher living in southern Colorado. He and Bobbie have been married nearly fifty-one years, having three adult children and five grandchildren. The ranch has been in the family since 1893.

 I have experienced several ‘spiritual adventures’ as I like to refer to them. The one you have just read is the most profound so far. Yes, I am expecting and looking forward to more. My hope is; if you have any doubt there is life after death, by the time you finish reading this remarkable encounter, you will dispel that thought.        



Thursday, September 17, 2020

LAURIE BATZEL ~ With My Soul ~ Historical Christian Romance


With my Soul, A Historical Christian Romance

by Laurie Batzel


Book Summary:

Betrayed by her husband, Willa Jane Wilson and her daughter are left penniless and alone in post-war Germany. She returns to her hometown in rural North Carolina and prays that a new beginning will soothe the anger still raging inside her heart. But no matter how many miles Willa Jane puts between her and her shame, the peace she seeks is drowned out by ignorance and abandonment.

Her saving grace comes in the form of a new opportunity that she can’t pass up. Tasked with caring for children at a local orphanage, she dedicates herself to transforming the financially-strapped institution into a real home filled with love and faith. But when her fundraising mission lands her in the middle of Raleigh’s glittering social scene, she encounters PJ Townshend, a handsome young lawyer with a dedication to service that matches her own. There’s only one problem: PJ is on track to change the country from its political epicenter—Washington D.C.—and the closer they grow to one another, the farther apart their worlds seem to be taking them.

When a natural disaster of Biblical proportions threatens to part them for good, it also puts the orphanage and everything Willa Jane has worked for in peril. An offer for help arrives from the most unexpected source. Accepting it will require forgiveness of the past…but it might also reunite her with the person her heart desires most.


Excerpt: Willa Jane at a dinner party.


“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Harry S. Truman is going to send this country

to hell in a handbasket.”


“Harold—” his female counterpart interjected feebly to no avail.


“It’s true. Any real Democrat would be focusing on the needs of our own country, not shipping off more resources to the daggone Krauts that started the whole mess in the first place. I heard he’s got a whole commission working on a plan to rebuild Germany. They’ll spend millions of our taxpayer dollars on what? The war’s over, what else could the bastards possibly need?”


Maybe it was the second glass of champagne that had lowered my inhibitions enough

to insert myself in what was clearly none of my business, but no amount of coaching or fancy jewelry could contain my natural inclination.


“Actually, there’s a great deal of need, sir.”


He leant forward to glare past his shrinking wife at me.


“Young lady, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”


“I don’t mean to offend you, sir, but I know very well what I’m talking about. I’ve been to Germany and seen the devastation. There are entire city blocks that are nothing but rubble, children exposed and starving on the streets. If it weren’t for our assistance, there would be no shelter, no clean water. Most of these ordinary people have had their homes and businesses destroyed through no fault of their own. It’s not a waste of taxpayer dollars. It’s simple decency.”


No longer caring which fork was the assigned utensil, I snatched one up and started digging into my steak with defiance. The older man’s face turned splotchy and he narrowed his eyes at me from underneath gray caterpillar eyebrows.


“I have never in all my life heard such absolute rubbish. What are you, some sort of Nazi sympathizer?”


The meat stuck in my throat and I swallowed so hard it hurt. My big mouth might have just landed me on the fast track to an interview with the CIA. Then another voice interjected, one that seemed as familiar as if from a dream.


“The young lady is correct. The situation overseas is an unparalleled humanitarian crisis, significantly worse than the aftermath of the first Great War.” The rich voice went on. “The purpose of Truman’s commission and aid plan for Europe is to lessen the suffering which, twenty-odd years ago, allowed a madman like Hitler to come into power.”


I tried to spy through the petals to catch a glimpse of my impertinent new friend, but the foliage was too dense. Returning my focus to the steak, I had until they served coffee to stand up and either thank him for the defense or tell him off for assuming I was incapable of fighting my own battles. As the waiter took my empty plate, I was leaning toward the latter. This was 1947, and I was a full-grown, working woman who had travelled overseas and back on my own. Almost exactly two years ago, a certain man had come to my rescue and I’d fallen under the spell of his chauvinism disguised as chivalry. I wouldn’t be making that mistake again.


Building up a head full of steam, I stood up, rounded Harold and Co.’s empty chairs and began the impassioned defense I had been crafting between bites of Duchess potatoes.


“Listen, I appreciate what you were trying to do there, but what gives you the right to interrupt other people’s conversations? I was handling that ignorant old coot just fine, thank you very—”


My planned diatribe ground to a halt when I came face to face with my unsought defender. He was the owner of a handsome face that was as strangely familiar as the voice. Suddenly, I realized where I had seen it before.

~ ~ ~


Available in Print and in Ebook

FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Pick up your copy here;


About Laurie Batzel: 

Laurie Batzel is an author of contemporary and historical romance who lives in Northeastern Pennsylvania. With My Soul is her first published fiction. You can find her non-fiction essays on,, and the print edition of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angels All Around. When she’s not writing, reading, or continuing her quest to perfect her chocolate chip cookie recipe, Laurie can be found walking in
the woods outside her home with her four beautiful children and their devotedly vigilant corgi, Stuart. To read more of her ramblings on parenting, writing or random song parodies, go to her blog at

 Connect with Laurie: 


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

JUDYTHE MORGAN ~ Seeing Clearly ~ Behind the Story


The Story Behind my newest release, Seeing Clearly

by Judythe Morgan

 The idea for Seeing Clearly began in 2003. That plot-line was more an inspirational women’s fiction with a grandmother raising her baby grandson after his parents died in a car accident and how she adjusted. The idea was loosely formed and even looser written.  

I started participating in ACFW craft courses. My writing improved as I worked with critique partners. A new romantic suspense story with the same characters began to take shape.

 Once I had a better developed story, I entered the manuscript in contests for additional feedback. My scores were all over the place. According to many contest critiques, the story still needed a lot of work. I reworked and entered more contests.

 In 2008 Seeing Clearly placed third in a Florida Romance Writers of America chapter. I was so excited and started to submit to editors and agents. The rejections rolled in.

 At that point, I accepted it was not God’s timing. I put the manuscript aside and worked on another story idea that had been bouncing around in my head and kinda forgot about Seeing Clearly.

 In 2019 I had an opportunity to attend a conference where Michael Hague was the speaker and participate in a one-on-one small group session to discuss our works-in-progress. I chose Seeing Clearly for the individual tutoring sessions.

After the conference, a small group of us who attended formed a critique group. Between Michael’s input and brainstorming with my new critique group Seeing Clearly finally evolved into a viable story and my characters came to life.

 Evie Parker is a forty-something grandmother raising her toddler grandson who is attracted to an ex-cop employee a decade younger. It was her story and I couldn’t bring myself to change it. Thanks to Michael and my critique group, my unconventional character became real.

 When I started writing Seeing Clearly, a story of later-in-life romance was a little too outside the box for a typical romantic suspense story. That probably explains the conflicting contest scores and so many rejections. Readers weren’t there.

 After months of rewriting, in February of 2020 I entered another contest and placed third. I knew then it was time to publish. Seeing Clearly released in May 2020. According to the reviews posted, readers love Evie and Dawson and their story. The timing was finally right.

 This book’s road to publication was indeed a long one. I worked hard, but it was so worth it. I learned so much. I hope sharing about Seeing Clearly’s journey with readers will help them enjoy the book more.

 And, writers who are reading Peg’s blog, I share to remind you never give up.

 About Your Book  

  • Title: Seeing Clearly
  • Author: Judythe Morgan
  • Publisher: The Danfield Press
  • Release Date: May 12, 2020
  • Genre: Romantic Suspense
  • Series/Stand-Alone: Stand-Alone
  • Target Audience: PG, Ages 12+

Seeing Clearly Back cover Blurb

Evie Parker is a widow and trusting to a fault. She’s raising her grandson after her only child and his wife die in a suspicious car accident.

 Dawson McKey is a divorced, overly cautious ex-cop, who now manages Evie’s shipping company. He trusts no one after his twin sons were killed by a cartel’s bomb.

 There’s undeniable attraction even though she’s twelve years his senior. But she’s convinced their age difference will haunt their relationship. Dawson’s vowed never to love again but being with Evie challenges his thinking.

 Drugs show up in a company shipment at the same time mysterious emails threaten Evie’s grandson. Then the nanny she hired against Dawson’s advice disappears with her grandson and Dawson suspects cartel involvement.

 Can their search for the toddler renew their trust and bring their hearts together?

 Seeing Clearly Buy links

  Excerpt from Seeing Clearly

 Darkness swirled in Evelyn Parker’s head. Dawson McKey’s voice drifted like a soft light through the blackness. “Evie.”

She heard her name, the drone of whispered words, and other sounds she couldn’t identify. It was like trying to thread a needle, blindfolded.

An antiseptic smell made her cough. She opened her eyes and reality came crashing through her haze. Hospital. Accident. David and Mandy dead.

She pushed upward from the hard, cold medical center floor. “No.”

“Lie still, Mrs. Parker.” A fresh-out-of-medical-school doctor lightly touched her wrist, checking his watch. “You fainted and gave yourself a nasty bump.”

Fainted? She snatched her hand from the doctor’s grip. She never fainted. Not even three years ago when her husband died in her arms. “I’m fine. Where’s my grandson?”

Tiny bumps pebbled across her neck. Did she already know that answer? Is that why she fainted?

The way-too-young-looking doctor pointed to a room adjacent to the busy ER waiting area. “Why don’t we go in there and talk? I can check that bump.”

His voice sounded soft and sympathetic. She searched his face for any sign of hope against the truth she feared.

Dawson, her friend and Parker Industry’s Director of Security, eased his arm behind her back. Her legs wobbled.

“Steady,” he whispered, tucking her into his side.

She leaned into the solace of his chest for a nanosecond then straightened her shoulders and followed the doctor to a closet-like room with an ancient metal desk and two chrome-armed chairs that had seen better days.

Evie sank into the nearest chair. The doctor gently rubbed the back of her head. She flinched.

“Everything looks fine. However, if you develop a headache, become nauseous or dizzy, you need to come back immediately. You don’t want to mess with a head injury.”

“I will. Now, what about my grandson, Dr.—” She glanced at his name badge. “Morrison. Is Michael okay?”

Dawson’s large, warm hand covered hers. She wanted to nestle into his heat, lean against his strong body, to hide until all of this went away. She stiffened her spine instead.

Dr. Morrison studied her face. “Your grandson’s doing okay. He appears to have only cuts and bruises. His seatbelt harness snapped when the SUV was hit, throwing him from the vehicle as it flipped. He escaped the fire, and the car seat protected him. We’ve done X-rays and MRIs to be sure. Results aren’t back yet.”

The room tilted. A fiery image flashed in her mind’s eye sending a cold chill down her spine. She swallowed. She couldn’t allow her brain to go there, wouldn’t go there. Doing well sounded a little iffy, but—thank you, Lord—not as final as dead.

She pressed her fist to her lips, pushed back the dizziness, and managed to connect with the doctor’s gaze. “When can I see him?”

The doctor opened the door. Clatter and chatter from the ER waiting area filled the room. “Follow me.”

Evie planted her flip-flops on the floor with a thud. The clip-clop of the rubber soles boomed in rhythm with her pounding heart as she followed.


Dawson slowed his pace to Evie’s stride. He drew deep on years of training to keep his body language relaxed while his senses were on high alert after what the investigating officer told him. A witness reported another car clipped David’s SUV by accident, causing it to careen off the road.

By accident? Not likely. Not with the gambling debt David Parker had. More likely a deliberate act executed by someone he owed or the cartel. He’d bet the cartel.

Either way, it was one more question to add to his ever-growing list of unanswered questions about Evie’s son.

Parker had risked everything and lost. Traded his love of gambling for life and family. You don’t mess around with the cartel. How well Dawson knew.

He’d promised her dying husband he’d take care of her. If she knew what he was doing, she’d send him away. She thought she could take care of herself. He should explain his suspicions about her son. Pointless, she’d never believe David hadn’t reformed like he promised. Not without proof. Proof he didn’t have. Yet.

Dr. Morrison motioned them inside. Their hands still clasped, Dawson guided her to Michael’s crib side.

His vision blurred. A fire exploded in his gut. In that instant, he made another vow. Whoever had done this, he’d find them and make them pay.

Same as he’d vowed to find the cartel leader Marco Torres and make him pay for what he’d done to his boys.


From the waiting room of Mercy Regional Medical Center, the man watched Parker’s Madre and McKey approach, trailing behind the doctor down the corridor. Anger stiffened his back and burned his eyes. Would he ever be rid of McKey?

His first plan to do away with the nuisance had bombed. Now this. Another big screwup. This one threatened their supply chain. Prickles of apprehension twined with his anger. Not good. Not good at all. Mistakes in a business with no margins for error made him look weak. Made the cartel bosses wonder why he was here. His papá was not going to be happy. And when papá was not happy, it was never a good thing.


Judythe’s BIO

Award-winning author Judythe Morgan was an Air Force daughter then an Army wife and a one time-Department of Army Civilian employee. She’s traveled a lot of this world.

An antiques dealer, teacher, former mayor's wife, and sometimes-church pianist, she's had some interesting experiences.

As mommy to an Old English sheepdog named Finnegan MacCool and a Maltese named Buster, there are always wild adventures in the works.

Her travel, experiences, and wild adventures always find their way into her award-winning stories. Check her website for details.

Besides her fiction, she writes a weekly blog with her urban farmer daughter, Chicken Wrangler Sara. You can follow at 

Sign up for her free newsletter to keep up with her latest news and subscriber-only sneak peaks.

And follow her on


Thursday, September 10, 2020

LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF ~ Cleo Lampos ~ Miss Bee and the Do Bees ~ Giveaway

 Hi, readers. It's Throwback Thursday and our guest blogger today is author Cleo Lampos. Welcome, Cleo. The stage is yours.

Learning to Love Yourself

By Cleo Lampos

Image provided by author

Ever stand in front of a mirror, then look away with dissatisfaction?

When a photographer is snapping pictures, a quick getaway is made?

Clothes are bought that fold and drape over the body?

These are signs of body image uneasiness. A condition that is characterized with how the appearance of the body interferes in the way a life is lived.  Most people can cope on the surface but suffer on the emotional level.

In the novel, Miss Bee and the Do Bees, Veronica (Roni) Bagedonas suffers from body dysmorphic disorder. Although known as the most successful teacher of children with emotional and behavioral problems, Roni cannot overcome her embarrassment of her large thighs. A colorful tee shirt tops the long skirts that hide her legs. Her work is her life.

Enter into the picture, “Sunny” Vanderpool. This former beauty queen will now be Roni’s classroom aide.  Perfect hair, manicured nails, flawless make up, and a coordinated wardrobe set her apart from Roni. The comparison is unsettling to Roni who does not know how hard it is for Sunny to keep up appearances.

What is more unsettling to Roni is Joe Milanchovich, who has been assigned to the school as the fire department’s educator for fire safety. Joe suffers from PTSD after serving as a medic in Afghanistan.  His wounds are all internal. But real. Although Joe admires Roni as a teacher, he feels inadequate to tell her how he feels.

The conflict between inner wounds and outer wounds is brought to a climax when Sunny’s  fiancé’ is sent back to the United States severely wounded.  As Sunny views him in massive bandages and hooked up to IVs, she must decide whether to walk away from the relationship, or stay.

Top of Form
Can’t Miss Novels
by Cleo A. Lampos
* * *
Contemporary Romance
Second Chances
Diamonds in the Tough
Miss Bee and the Do Bees
                              The Story Behind the Novel

This novel draws on the Chicago urban school system, so it includes the dangers of the neighborhood, foster care, gang activity in the community and fires. Author Cleo Lampos taught behavior disorder/emotionally disturbed students, which brings reality to the classroom plot line.  She is familiar with both body dysmorphic disorder and PTSD. The fire-fighting scenes reflect stories she gleaned from her fireman son-in-law. The shoot up of the school bus occurs all too often on the streets of Chicago.

Cleo Lampos has written three books in the series The Teachers of Diamond Project Schools. Each novel is a stand-alone, but occur in the same make believe building.  However, the conflicts in the book are based on events that happened in the urban areas of Chicago. Fiction and news events are melded into realistic fiction. The underlying emotions are personally from the author. The characters in Lampos’ books delve deep into their faith to find strength and integrity.

As a retired educator, Lampos lectures at adult extension classes at nearby colleges and at senior gatherings. She quilts and cans the food that her Urban Gardener husband grows on their suburban lot. Eleven grandchildren fill their lives with joy.  Lampos stays in touch with educators and their challenges.

Cleo is giving away a copy of this novel to one of the persons who comments on this blog. To enter, just leave a comment with your name and contact information (so we can notify you if you win) in the comment section below. Giveaway ends one week from today on Sept 17, 2020, at Midnight, Central Time.