Wednesday, June 24, 2020

ALABAMA DAYS ~ Daphne Self ~ What's New Wednesday

Please Welcome author Daphne Self to What's New Wednesday as she talks about herself, her writing, and her new book ALABAMA DAYS.

Take it away, Daphne!

Of all the times in the past when I wrote guest blogs, I’ve never had difficulty in finding something to write about. Yet this time I find it not quite as easy as before. Yes, I can write about my new book, Alabama Days. It’s the second book in the Southern Saga series.

I can explain why my name is different on this book compared to the first book, Mississippi Nights. Yes, I can talk about the faith element in the book. But all this doesn’t seem “new” to me. Maybe it will be new to you?

Alabama Days was a book I started shortly after writing Mississippi Nights. This was way back in 2013. At the time I was still a widow with two young sons. Life, as it always, found a way to interfere with my writing dreams and everything was set to the side for a long, longtime.

In 2018, I finished a children’s book and sent it to my publisher. By then, I had already remarried and didn’t want to use my old name. To me it is an honor to share my husband’s name and I wanted to give it the recognition, so I moved from D.M. Webb to Daphne Self.

It was then, after The Case of the Missing Firehouse Dog was published, that I decided to bring Alabama Days from the “box”. Within a couple of months, I finished the story (it was already 2/3 written) and sent it in.

What is the story about? Other than what is written on the back cover, the story centers around two people: Scott and Angela. Scott experiences a trauma that has him questioning God and, in his anger, he turns to prescription drugs to drown his pain. Angela is a reporter whose path crosses Scott’s in many ways. Soon they are embroiled in the town’s corruption.

I wanted to show a story that highlighted how far a person will try to run from God, yet soon learn that he was actually running to God. Anger, pain, heartache, and grief color a person’s thoughts and behavior and I wanted to show how Jesus Christ can offer the peace and salvation needed to heal a heart.

Alabama Days is my newest book, which released on June 16, 2020. And yes, I did draw from some of my own personal experiences to write this. I know the overwhelming grief death can bring (which in my case was two, barely three, months apart). And though I had Christ who brought me through it all, I’ve always wondered about what would a person who didn’t have Christ do in a situation similar to mine? Thus, Alabama Days was born.

This is my first true romantic suspense novel. And it won’t be my last. I plan to have a few more to round out the Southern Saga.

What else is new? This fall will be another book release: Journey On. Not a novel, but a journal of sorts where I chronicled the ups and downs of being newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic pain. It started as a personal journal where I had 29 verses sent to me from various women when I had reached a low point in my life (chronic illnesses is notorious for causing depression). While on the “something-teenth” verse, it dawned on me that if I felt like this, what about those who have it even worse than me? So I finished the journal and sent it in to my publisher. It’s my prayer that the book will help others navigate a “new life” and “new normal” that chronic illnesses cause.

Well, I guess I did find something to talk about after all!

Before I end this post, though, I want everyone to know that it is only through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that has brought me this far and I continually rely upon Him to carry me through the rest. And may His Peace be a blessing to you.

From the back Cover:
How could a loving God hurt so many people?

Paramedic Scott Wilson believes he can chase death away, but his spirit is shattered when people he loves are taken from him. As a paramedic, Scott sees every day the pain that people suffer, and he wants no part of a God that would allow bad things to happen to good people. As a result, he hides behind his work and addiction to ease the pain within his soul.
But once newspaper reporter Angela Mabry and her son, Max, move into town, Scott can’t help but notice the feisty redhead. Angela is determined to uncover the town’s seedy underbelly and reveal the strange coincidences of so many car accidents at one location.
When a prominent city official dies in a car wreck, Scott and Angela find themselves tangled in intrigue and deception. Together they search for the truth and discover that not all is what it seems.

About Daphne:

"I am a stranger in the earth; Do not hide Your commandments from me" (Psalm 119:119). This verse is Daphne's life.
"Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, 'Peace, be still!' And the wind ceased and there was a great calm" (Mark 4:39). This verse is the promise made to Daphne.

Daphne Self, formerly published under the name D.M. Webb, resides in Iowa. As a Mississippian transplant, she spends her days in the Midwest state writing, editing, reading, antiquing, and planning adventures with her husband and sons. She pursues her dream as an editor and author with one goal in mind: To Glorify His Name. Daphne is also an avid reader who devours books in many genres. As a long-time member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), she volunteers her time helping published and unpublished authors.

Where to connect with Daphne:

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