Bodyguard: Reflections about God’s Protection
A devotional by Alexis A. Goring
have made the Lord your defender, the Most High your protector,
and so no disaster will strike you, no violence will come near your home.
God will put his angels in charge of you to protect you wherever you go.”
and so no disaster will strike you, no violence will come near your home.
God will put his angels in charge of you to protect you wherever you go.”
91:9-11 [GNT]
This devotional is based on my observations on the commute I took via Metro Rail to work one morning.
A tall, dark, handsome, fit and strong man dressed sharply in a black suit and shiny black shoes skillfully guarded a little girl who appeared to be no older than five. He was five times her height and looked very much like he was her bodyguard. Looking back, I realized that he could have been her biological dad too. Nonetheless, he clearly had one objective: keeping his little girl safe.
I watched as he scoped out his surroundings inside the train car, even moving to a more secure seat with his little girl as more people filled the train. He was actively alert, listening and watching everyone who may pose a threat to his child. She looked perfectly content, focused on her own little world. She appeared to have no worries because she knew she was in good hands with this man. It was clear that he would protect her at all costs. Then I started wondering about their story.
We took the same train to the same stop in Northwest D.C. so I speculated if this young girl was a princess from another country, a dignitary’s daughter, or the child of some other high profile person like a politician. Regardless of to whom she belonged, it was clear that she was safe and loved, and needed not to worry about anything because he would protect her from all harm.
These observations caused me to think about my God as our Heavenly Father. He is a Good Father who wants to protect us at all costs, even if that meant sending His Only Son (Jesus Christ) to this world to show us the way to Him. Jesus lived, ministered to hurting people on this Earth, then died and rose again to complete the plan of salvation that gives us hope of eternal life.
Read the
story in John 3:16. Jesus didn’t stay dead in the grave forever; on the third
day after his death, He rose again! He is working on our behalf, interceding
for us before His Father (God) in Heaven. Thanks to Christ’s sacrifice, we have
the hope of eternal life when the final curtain closes on human history! Meanwhile,
God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit are here to help us survive this human
experience on Earth.
God, we are always safe. He sends His Angels from Heaven to protect us. It is the
common belief that God assigns a guardian angel to each of us to protect us
from the time we are born until the time we die. Why? Because God loves us! He
doesn’t want anything to happen to His children.
Just like that little girl clearly belonged to someone important, we belong to God who is the King of the Universe, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Most importantly, He is our Heavenly Father who loves us with all of His heart. God wants to save your life. Will you trust Him to be your bodyguard?
Just like that little girl clearly belonged to someone important, we belong to God who is the King of the Universe, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Most importantly, He is our Heavenly Father who loves us with all of His heart. God wants to save your life. Will you trust Him to be your bodyguard?

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