Take it away, Susan
For female
convicts, a sentence of transportation, or being shipped to England’s colonies
in Australia, often meant unwilling prostitution. The conditions were so
unbearable that some women chose execution over transportation.
Alice Packard, the
heroine of The Seafaring Women of the Vera B., rescues several women
from a brothel in Melbourne to help sail her ship. After her husband’s death,
she feels compelled to deliver his ship and cargo to Massachusetts, but the
crew deserted in favor of Australia’s gold fields. Desperate for workers, Alice
meets several women who are willing to work hard and dangerous jobs to escape
from their life in Melbourne. With help from her aging boatswain and a British
noblewoman who is disillusioned with colonial life, Alice hires a full crew and
helps the women flee.
My son Jim and I
wrote this book together, inspired by the stories of courageous women who
fought to make a better life for themselves.
In the second book
of the series, The Scottish Lass,
sailor Fiona Campbell is captured and forced to accompany a band of cutthroats
on their quest for a lost treasure. Shifty Samuel Trafton has betrayed his
friend Elwood Stark and stolen the new Stark’s commanding from under him. Stark
approaches Alice Packard for help, but she’s not sure she can trust him. Fearing
for her life, Fiona fends off her kidnappers and prays Captain Alice and her
crew will come to the rescue. Meanwhile, first mate Tommy Mercer tries to help
Fiona and suffers for his efforts. Can Fiona save Tommy’s life? Will the
Trafton keep her captive when he leaves the islands?
Alice has many
lives depending on her, and she can’t afford to make a mistake. Could Stark be
in league with Trafton to gain control of the Vera B. as well as Stark’s schooner? The Hearts of Oak series is
full of adventure, but it’s also about loyalty, forgiveness, and faith.

E-book: https://amzn.to/3aw21w0
Buy The Scottish Lass at:
E-book: https://amzn.to/2K9Jqvb
Both books are also available on Kindle
Author Bio: Susan Page Davis is the author
of more than 90 Christian novels and novellas. She’s a winner of the Carol
Award, two Faith, Hope, and Love Readers’ Choice Awards, and two Will Rogers
Medallions. She lives in western Kentucky with her husband Jim. They have six
children and ten grandchildren.
Her co-author on this series, son James S.
Davis, has spent time in Australia, Micronesia, and other far places. He has a
degree in agriculture, and he and his wife live in South Carolina with their
seven children.
Find Susan at:
Website: https://susanpagedavis.com
Twitter: @SusanPageDavis
Newsletter: https://madmimi.com/signups/118177/join
Susan will give away one copy of either The
Seafaring Women of the Vera B. or The Scottish Lass, e-book or paper
(paperbacks to US addresses only, please). Winner may choose.
Giveaway runs for one week, ending Thursday, May 7. 2020, at Midnight, Central time.
Thank you so much, Susan (and Jim) for being my blog guest this week.
Both books sound fascinating.