Friday, April 3, 2020

JOBS: PART TWO~ Christina Sinisi - Devotional

JOBS - Part Two

A Devotional by Christina Sinisi

On the Friday following the terrible Thursday, Portals of Prayer addressed jobs directly. By the way, do you ever feel that God is talking directly to you through his word and his people? He is.
The verses for the following Friday was Genesis 2:4 – 25. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”

God values work. Even in paradise, Adam had a job. I could be wrong, but that implies (to me) that in eternity, we’re going to have jobs. Does that blow your mind or disappoint you?  I honestly don’t know how I feel about that since I’ve been teaching for thirty years and getting a little burned out—eternity sounds like an awful long time. 

Maybe we need to rethink work. God gives only good gifts. He also gives us everything we have. He created everything there is. So, work must not be a four letter word, or at least in the bad way.
At the same time, we do live in an imperfect world, tainted by original sin. Therefore, the people at work, the politics at work, the tedium, the physical and mental stamina needed to get everything done can all affect the joy we should find in doing a good day’s work.

Rather than general platitudes, I want to be specific about how to find joy in work. By the way, I’m a psychologist and professor in my day job so much of this is based on research.

Be careful in your choice. Most of us make career choices when we are very young and that may be an issue. We may not have enough self-awareness to know what is really the best choice for our lifetime, and that is why it is okay to change our minds. But, when making a decision, no matter at what stage in your life, ask God. Prayerfully consider more than just the obvious. Take interest surveys. Get some experience by volunteering or observing. And be patient with yourself--God is.

Fully engage while you are at work. Nothing breeds dissatisfaction more than distraction. If you need distraction from a thing, the thing must not be that great. I mean, vegetables just exist to get to the dessert, right? Hopefully, we know better, or learn better as we get older. Put away the phone, close all tabs other than the right one, and engage.

At the same time, take breaks. When you are on vacation, vacate. I mean, leave. Get out of there. Not just the place, but exit those corners of your mind..if I’m not taking my analogy too far. Just don’t answer the email for a day. That’s all I’m saying. Give yourself a real break.
Or, at the very least, fully engage for a period of time and then take a break. What? We’re all human.

Our Lord gives us our jobs and places us in our life. He places us to receive the Word as well.

Can we pray? “Lord God, grant that we may work and keep your gifts for Your service and glory. Help us to find joy in the mundane and to support each other through our mistakes and confusion and joy. In your son, Jesus’ name, Amen

A member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Christina Sinisi writes stories about families, both the broken and blessed. Her works include a semi-finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest, and finalists in a number of writing contests, such as the American Title IV Contest where she appeared in the top ten in the Romantic Times magazine. By day, she is a psychology professor and lives in the LowCountry of South Carolina with her husband and two children and loves a good cooking challenge. Please visit her at Christina Sinisi-Author on Facebook and

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