Friday, April 24, 2020

WHOM ARE WE TO PLEASE? ~ Leslie L.. McKee ~ Devotional

People Pleaser or God Pleaser?

 "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."

-       Galatians 1:10 (NIV)

I'm what many would call a "people pleaser." I've never been one to rock the boat, at least not on purpose. I like relationships (whether work or personal) to be as peaceful as possible. At times, that means taking on more than I should or keeping opinions to myself instead of voicing them. I don't like to upset or disappoint others. So instead, I end up adding to my stress level or feelings of overload. Perhaps this is something you struggle with or have struggled with in the past.

There is nothing wrong with wanting people to like us. However, if our motivation for pleasing others is to look for something in return, such as their love or acceptance, that could lead us down a slippery slope.

We weren't placed on earth to please everybody all the time. God didn’t call us to do it, yet many of us still do. It’s important to ask ourselves what’s matters most: God’s approval or the approval of others?

It’s important to have good relationships with those around us. However, our foundation and focus need to stay on the Lord. As it says in Proverbs 29:25: “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” We should not seek approval from others.

Jesus knew this struggle. He dealt with challenging expectations, so He understands how we feel. But, He also knew His purpose. He knew when it was time to say, "no" and step away so He could stay focused on His Father (Mark 1:35). We can—and should—do the same.

Christians are called to serve others, but that doesn’t mean we are supposed to live our lives to solely please others. We may need to turn down activities, and possibly disappoint people, on occasion. And that’s okay. Resting in our purpose and reading the Word will help us keep our focus where it needs to be: on the Lord. If you’re unsure about your motivation for “people pleasing,” ask the Lord to help you discern when to say “yes” and when to say “no.”

Take time today to spend some quiet time with the Lord. Ask Him how to filter your schedule. Look to Him for approval … not society.

Lord, help me to see if, and where, I’m seeking the approval of others instead of You. I want You to be my focus. Amen.

Leslie L. McKee