Friday, June 2, 2017

The Gathering, Devotional by Alexis Goring

Image courtesy Pixabay

The Gathering
A devotional written by Alexis A. Goring

Shopping a few days after Christmas with my Mom at our favorite mall, I noticed a big crowd congregating inside a store, poring over the latest technology. I looked up and saw that the store was nameless. There was no visible sign to describe what it was, so I turned to my Mom and asked, “Is that an Apple Store?” My mom immediately said, “Of course. What other store brings people together like that?”

A light bulb turned on and I made an instant connection between that reality and our reality as mere mortals living in a fallen world. It is very common for people to crowd into an Apple Store and pore over all the latest technology. However, it is very uncommon for people to flock to church, fill the pews from the front to the back of the sanctuary, and press into Jesus Christ, allowing His restoring love to pour into our broken hearts.

Why is it that we’re so quick to get the latest technology and stay up to date with it at an Apple Store, but so reluctant to read a Bible and stay in touch with the Author (God)?

I know that we all may be guilty of not spending enough time with God. But think about it. We make time for what matters to us and God should matter most.

People gather religiously at sporting events, favorite stores, cafes, restaurants, and movie theaters. Why don't people flock to church to gather together before the Lord?

Jesus brings people together. His Gathering is of greater purpose than The Apple Store. Why pore over new technology like your life depends on it when you can pore over God's Word and be transformed from the inside out? Most importantly, our life does depend on it.

When Jesus Christ ministered here on Earth, large crowds gathered to hear Him preach about the now and the not yet. He told stories that taught kingdom principles—God's Kingdom principles.

Jesus served food that never faded. He served heavenly manna (Matthew 4:4), words of wisdom to help get you through this life on Earth. His words can help you get into heaven.

Best of all, Jesus is not just a Bible character. He is real. Those characters whose stories are told in the Bible are dead now but the Lord still lives! And He is constantly wooing our hearts to His. He wants us to gather around Him, learn from His life lessons, then go tell the world about Him and His saving grace.

“Jesus is Coming Again” is more than a church hymn. It's a promise. And He keeps His promises!

So won't you gather before the Lord in His church? All He asks is for you to meet Him there once a week. But He does not want church to be your only interaction with Him. He wants you to daily spend time in His presence, read His Word (The Holy Bible) that’s better than all the latest technology, and follow His instructions.

Most of all, He wants you to tell the world about Him because His Gathering is all-inclusive. He wants everyone to be saved.

I found that going to God’s Gathering refreshes my soul and renews my spirit. I can get from God what I cannot get from the Apple Store. I can get peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7), complete joy (John 15:11), and guidance from this life to the next (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Won’t you go to God’s Gathering? He’s waiting to welcome you with open arms!

About the Author: Alexis A. Goring is a passionate writer with a degree in Print Journalism and an MFA in Creative Writing. She loves the art of storytelling and hopes that her stories will connect readers with the enduring, forever love of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. How great it would be to see the church as full of the shopping malls. It was a good reminder of God's love and how He wants to spend time with us. We who live in areas with freedom of religion (not freedom from religion) are so blessed to be able to read our bibles any time we want and attend an open assembly any time we want. Thank you, Lord!
