Friday, April 27, 2018

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ~ Donna Schlachter ~ Devotional

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

A Devotion from Donna Schlachter

Image courtesy
Read: Psalm 139:14 NASB 

“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.”

It can be very easy to let the things of life get us down. There is not one of us who 
hasn’t had a heartache, a friend who stopped calling, a shortage in our bank account, a call from a doctor that we weren’t expecting.

Living in this world, as Jesus promised us, would bring troubles.

The difference is in our response.

When we choose to see things through God’s eyes, we choose to see the good that comes from the bad. In the Old Testament, Joseph has his whole life ahead of him, and suddenly, it is all gone. And yet he lives through it, choosing to make the best of a bad situation. And in the end, he even tells his brothers that what they intended for bad, God turned to good.

And he was right. His brothers’ selfish response to God’s plan did not change God’s plan. Just as Joseph’s dream had prophesied when he was a child, he would be the saving of his family, and they would serve him.

Most of us are not faced with our siblings kidnaping us and throwing us in a pit. Although it might feel like that, when they won’t talk to us or they tell lies about us. Most of us are not thrown in prison for doing the right thing, but we still manage to build our own prisons out of bricks made up of offenses, hurts, and fears.

And even if we are in a pit or a prison, we can still choose to make the best of it. Joseph did. Paul and Silas did, when they were thrown into prison. They sang and praised, and the doors flew open. And someone met Jesus that same night, and his family with him.

We don’t know when our next trial will be the saving moment for someone else. We don’t know when our example of climbing out of the pit will be what another needs to climb out of their own pit. And we don’t know when we escape from our prison who we might take along with us.

God has made each of us for a specific plan. He didn’t make any mistakes – you are who you are supposed to be. He didn’t make any bad choices for you – and He won’t let you perish. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image, for His plan, for His purpose.

And that your soul knows very well. Now tell your heart and your mind, and let the wonder of the Creator of the Universe permeate your very being. Allow Him to do with Him what He wills.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I’m sorry that I’ve sometimes let my circumstances get me down. Show me what You think of me, remind me that I am a part of Your plan. And help me to show others Your presence every day. Amen.

About Donna:
Donna lives in Denver with husband Patrick, her first-line editor and biggest fan. She writes historical suspense under her own name, and contemporary suspense under her alter ego of Leeann Betts. She is a hybrid author who has published a number of books. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Sisters In Crime, and Writers on the Rock; facilitates a local critique group, and teaches writing classes and courses. Donna is also a ghostwriter and editor of fiction and non-fiction, and judges in a number of writing contests. She loves history and research, and travels extensively for both. Donna is proud to be represented by Terrie Wolf of AKA Literary Management. Receive a free ebook simply for signing up for our free newsletter!
Books: Amazon: and Smashwords:

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Love Not Forgotten ~ Linda Shenton Matchett ~ Behind the Story

A Love Not Forgotten: The Story Behind the Story

By Linda Shenton Matchett

One of my favorite aspects of writing actually happens before my fingers ever hit the keyboard-it’s the days and sometimes weeks that I spend brainstorming story ideas. Each author has his or her method of dreaming up plots, characters, and all of the difficulties we will subject them to. I usually start with the female protagonist and put her in a non-typical job for the era, but for A Love Not Forgotten I surprised myself when that the first character who came to mind was the male love-interest. He was a dashing, brave RAF pilot. Who wouldn’t fall in love with a man like that?

I wanted to create a roadblock between the man and woman that would not be easily surmounted, and after watching a sitcom in which one of the players is hit on the head resulting in amnesia, I decided that’s what I would do to my young man.

Let the research begin!

When writing a historic story, it is important to maintain accuracy with the times – not to give the characters tools or knowledge they would not have had. Therefore, I needed to find out what doctors and medical professionals knew about amnesia in the early 1940s. I scoured medical journals, diaries, and newspaper reports from the era which sometimes supported each other, but often gave conflicting data.

Ultimately, I found there are 8-10 types of amnesia (it depends on whether similar types are combined), although not all had been discovered by WWII. Some amnesia is a result of injury, some due to psychological trauma, while other types are related to malnutrition or long-term alcoholism. Treatments vary, but interestingly there were a lot of resources that discussed coping mechanisms suggesting that perhaps more often than not, amnesia is permanent and thus must be assimilated into one’s life.

I fully outline each book I write and did so for A Love Not Forgotten. However, the one element I let the characters determine for themselves was how much, if any, of Chaz’s memory would return by the end of the story. I enjoyed watching their relationship unfold. I hope you do too.

A Love Not Forgotten:
Allison White should be thrilled about her upcoming wedding. The problem? She’s still in love with her fiancé, Chaz, who was declared dead after being shot down over Germany in 1944. Can she put the past behind her and settle down to married life with the kindhearted man who loves her?

It’s been two years since Charles “Chaz” Powell was shot down over enemy territory. The war is officially over, but not for him. He has amnesia as a result of injuries sustained in the crash, and the only clue to his identity is a love letter with no return address. Will he ever regain his memories and discover who he is, or will he have to forge a new life with no connections to the past?

Linda Shenton Matchett is an author, journalist, and history geek. A native of Baltimore, Maryland, she was born a stone’s throw from Fort McHenry and has lived in historic places most of her life. She is a volunteer docent at the Wright Museum of WWII and a trustee for her local public library. A member of American Christian Fiction Writers, SistersInCrime, and Romance Writers of America, she writes History, Mystery & Faith at 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

5 Things I’ve Learned ~ Sara L. Faust

5 Things I’ve Learned From My Debut Novel Release

by Sara L. Foust

My debut novel, Callum’s Compass, released in November 2017. In the five months since its release, I can honestly say I’ve learned a lot! Here are my top five most important lessons learned:

1.     Being an author is all about the readers. Forging relationships and being a “real” human is the best part about this whole venture. I love when readers contact me and tell me their thoughts on the book or simply tell me about their day. I’m a “people-person” and value these new relationships highly!

2.     Marketing is a lot of work! Everyone who told me that before I was published was not lying. It is a daily, nonstop part of being an author. It’s a good thing I enjoy the marketing too.

3.     I will never, ever be done learning about the craft of writing fiction. And I love learning. I really do. I’ve discovered that I’m not just passionate about the writing, I’m passionate about the learning too.

4.     I want to help other authors. I know I’m not a “big name” in fiction. But one of my biggest hopes is that I can help other newbie authors, who may be on the verge of giving up, find the perseverance and confidence to continue. If I can do it, so can they!

5.     My career path is all in the hands of the One who made the moon and stars. Okay, so it would’ve been nice if my first novel rocketed to the top and was already turned into a movie and a number one bestseller and everyone had it on their shelves. But the reality is, I’m still new even though I have a book out there, and I must continue to work at the level and pace He has planned for me. I trust that He will take me where I need to be, and who knows, maybe that will be the New York Times Bestseller List someday. But for now, I’m content knowing I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.

I truly am enjoying this journey, and I am so thankful that God has made my dreams become reality. I plan to continue to learn as much as I can each and every day and use that knowledge to become the best author I can be.

About Collum's Compass
KAT WILLIAMS’S brother died in a gruesome accident in the mountains of East Tennessee. She blames herself.

RYAN JENKINS’S fiancée was murdered. He couldn’t protect her.
With the death of her brother, Kat believes she is unworthy of love from anyone—even God. When a good friend elicits a promise that she will stop living in the past and then leaves her clues to a real-life treasure hunt, Kat embarks on an adventure chock-full of danger. To find the treasure, Kat will have to survive wild animals—and even wilder men. Can she rely on Ryan, the handsome wildlife officer assigned to protect her . . . without falling in love?

Ryan swore off love when his fiancée was murdered, but feelings long-buried rise to the surface around Kat. He volunteers to help with her treasure hunt, vowing to keep her safe. Together they venture deep into caves and tunnels . . . and even deeper into the depths of their unplumbed hearts.

Buy Links:

About Sara:
Sara writes Inspirational Romantic Suspense from a mini-farm in East Tennessee, where she lives with her husband and their five homeschooled children. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from the University of Tennessee and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Tennessee Mountain Writers. Her debut novel Callum's Compass won second place in Deep River Books' 2017 Writer's Contest. She also has a story, “Leap of Faith,” in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone. Sara finds inspiration in her faith, her family, and the beauty of nature. When she isn’t writing, you can find her reading, camping, and spending time outdoors with her family. To learn more about her and her work or to become a part of her email friend’s group, please visit

Where to find Sara:
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Monday, April 23, 2018

If I were to write a novel, ...? ~ Lynne Tagawa

A Twisted Strand: A Story of Faith and Second Chances 

 By Lynne Tagawa

One night I couldn’t sleep. As I stared up into the darkness, I wondered: If I were to write a novel, what would it be about?

Thoughts swirled. One popped up: What if a genetically engineered virus were set loose in my South Texas neighborhood?

Yes! I’d use the San Antonio area as my setting—complete with bluebonnets—since that’s what I know best. I blew up my favorite restaurant in the process . . . is that a spoiler?

Another set of thoughts tangled with the first: What would the story really be about? You know as well as I do that a story with a virus isn’t really “about” the virus. Stories are about people—people we care about, people who grapple with important issues.

I thought some more. I definitely wanted the gospel in my story—a description of a person coming to Christ—and I’d just read a book about the Ten Commandments.

I know most folks, when presenting the gospel, will start with the book of John or Romans. But what if a person does not know what sin is, or can’t see it in herself?

Rachel Davis, one of my protagonists, has been sinned against. She’s bitter because of her husband’s infidelity. The first time she reads the Ten Commandments on her brother’s wall, she spots “adultery” right away. But how will she discover her own need of grace?

I invite you to read the rest of the story!

About the book:
After a painful divorce, Rachel Davis is ready to enjoy her new South Texas home, raise her kids, and find some peace. Can she find the secret to making her heart whole again?

William Davis, MD, would do anything to take back his horrible mistake, but infidelity is more than his wife can forgive. He tries to be a good dad to his kids from afar. When Rachel discovers their Jersey heifer dead from a hemorrhagic fever, she quickly realizes that the disease might spread to humans.

Working for an epidemiologist, she joins the investigation. The family vet sickens, and Will enters the battle against the mysterious virus. Is it natural? Or is it terrorism? Estranged from God and from each other, Rachel and Will encounter the truth of the gospel and struggle to make sense of it. Is there hope? And is there hope for their relationship?

What others are saying:

"Lynne Tagawa takes us deep into the world of biological warfare with a mystery that is both plausible and scary." --Laura V. Hilton, author of The Christmas Admirer (Whitaker House)

". . . I believe this story will inspire everyone who picks it up." --Amber Schamel, author of Dawn of Liberty (2017 CSPA Book of the Year Award Winner)

Available in paperback and kindle:

About Lynne:
Lynne Tagawa is married with four grown sons and three marvelous grandbabies. A biology teacher by trade, she teaches part-time, writes, and edits. She’s written a Texas history curriculum in narrative form, Sam Houston’s Republic, and published her debut novel, A Twisted Strand, last year.  The Shenandoah Road, a story of the Great Awakening, is scheduled to be published in 2018. Lynne lives with her husband in South Texas.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

"Reluctant to Wed" ~ Anneliese Dalaba ~ Behind the story

Meet author Anneliese Dalaba and read about the Story Behind the Story of her book Reluctant to Wed. Welcome, Anneliese!

Anneliese Dalaba

Anneliese Dalaba lives in Michigan with her husband of 30 years. She has been in full-time ministry beside her husband all of those years. She is a member of ACFW and ACFW Great Lakes Chapter. For many years, she worked as an administrative assistant and medical transcriptionist. After raising their two children, she is now experiencing the wonderful phase of grandparenting. She is an avid reader, and an author of a Christian historical romance.
On my wedding day, I entered full-time ministry alongside my husband who was already a pastor. I felt as though I had boarded a moving train unaware of its destination. There were times we stepped off one train to quickly get on another, still unaware of where it would lead us. I was okay with the mystery as long as my love was beside me. He took me on a grand adventure and we had two children along the way. There were highs and lows, but we clasped hands and faced every situation together.

Three years ago, my husband’s job changed when he was elected into a district-level position. Changing trains again, I suddenly realized there was much less for me to do. My children were married and my nest was empty. My husband no longer had a pastorate, so there were no Bible studies to teach or women’s groups to lead. The time had come to pursue my dream.

Pulling out my computer, I began typing my first novel. I wasn’t sure which time period I would choose, but I knew it would be a historical romance. I always loved marriages of convenience. Whenever I’d imagined writing a novel, it was a pioneer or western romance. Since I live in the US, I figured I’d have more information at my fingertips. However, as the story began taking shape in my mind, a romance during the Regency period in England developed. Since I understand the mentality of Americans, being one myself, I decided the heroine should at least have grown up in the States. Therefore, Emma is an American who moves to England to marry Devon, a British lord. You will have to read the story to see how that is even possible.

I loved writing Emma’s story. She is unpretentious and embraces new challenges with optimism, trying to find good in every situation. She’s sincere in her faith, sometimes struggling, but always grabbing hold of the truth of God’s Word. Emma has a wonderful relationship with her mother, and I loved writing the letters she wrote to her mom.

Devon is a proud aristocrat, yet he has a soft spot—he longs for love, although he would not easily admit to it. His home life was cold in comparison to Emma’s and he cannot imagine finding joy in marriage. Add to that a friend, Fitz, who gives him bad advice, as well as a conniving lady friend whose goal is to climb the social ladder on the shoulders of another rich husband. Devon has looked out for the best interest of this friend and her son since the death of her husband, his closest friend, even contemplating marrying her, until he was forced into an arranged marriage with Emma.

In the midst of Devon’s fears and in spite of the barrier he tries to maintain, his heart seems to have a will of its own. Emma is different than any lady he has met before. She is forthright and direct, kind and not manipulative. He enjoys bantering with her and finds his defenses crumbling. Just when Emma sees a happy ever after in sight, something unexpected happens that challenges even an optimist to find hope.

I didn’t have an in-depth outline before I began typing. The story developed as I allowed the characters to tell their stories. It was fun. It was hard. It was exhilarating, yet I wanted to pull my hair out at times. But I never doubted that I would do it all over again.  My second novel will be published later this year.

About Reluctant To Wed:

 To keep her parents from losing their farm in Pennsylvania, Emma agrees to travel to England and accept her grandfather's offer to arrange a marriage for her with the Earl of Devonport. She secretly hopes a marriage to this stranger will lead to love. 

To honor his father, Devon reluctantly agrees to marry Emma, but determines to keep her at arm's length. A marriage of convenience is satisfactory to the earl who wants no emotional ties. He needs an heir, but he refuses to bow to the whims and demands of a wife. He would prefer simply to provide a home and a generous allowance for her, but continue to enjoy his freedom. 

Emma’s straightforward and unpretentious manner draws Devon’s admiration. Unfortunately, long-held fears are not easily overcome. Emma finds herself falling in love with him, but she’s afraid of being in love alone. Can a mutual love develop and grow in this arranged marriage? When all hope seems lost, Emma must learn to trust God even if it means letting go of her dreams.

 FEATURED BOOK: Reluctant To Wed
  • AUTHOR: Anneliese Dalaba
  • PUBLISHER: Self-Published
  • GENRE: Christian Historical Romance
  • SERIES OR STAND ALONE: First book in Arranged Marriage Series
  • TARGET AGE: 12-112

Where to find Anneliese:

Friday, April 13, 2018

Before I Call ~ Devotional by Alexis A. Goring

Before I Call
A devotional by Alexis A. Goring

Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”
~Isaiah 65:24 (NIV)

One day, God answered a prayer that I did not pray. His providence amazes me! Allow me to tell you the story of the time when God answered me before I called.

It was an ordinary weekend. The food supply in the house was low, but I didn’t have money to buy groceries. I found myself thinking, I wish I had money to go to Panera, but I need to save my money to pay bills. So I determined to do without. I stayed home and went about my business.

A few hours later, I was talking to a writer friend who I was helping by providing feedback on certain elements in her story. She told me that she appreciated my time and talent, so she wanted to give me a gift as a thank you for my pro bono services. She asked me to choose what I wanted and suggested options like gift cards from Amazon and Starbucks. My first thought was about my wish list of books on Amazon, so I asked for an gift card. So she sent that to me via e-mail within the hour.

But since our arrangement was ongoing, she’d offered to send more than one gift throughout the editorial process. And I decided, since I was craving Panera, that’s what I’d ask for. But I wondered, how? I didn’t know if Panera had e-cards. So I called a local restaurant, and they directed me to their company website where indeed there was an option to send e-gift cards. I copied the direct link and sent it to my writer friend who then agreed that my payments going forward would be e-gift cards to Panera!

After our conversation, I realized God had answered me before I called. I never stopped and prayed to Him to make a way for me to have enough extra money to go to Panera, I simply thought it and pushed the thought aside when I realized it wasn’t happening right now. But God heard my thoughts, and He decided to bless me unexpectedly!

God is so good. He watches over all of His children—the ones who know Him and the ones who do not know Him yet. He wants us all to be saved in His Kingdom, to make it to Heaven and spend eternity in His presence. But we have to choose to accept the gift of salvation that He offers through His Son Jesus Christ, and we have to choose to follow Him.

Falling in love with Jesus and following Him have been the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I wouldn’t be able to stand through the trials and storms of life without Him and His provision. Just like God provided for me by answering my prayer before I asked, He wants to provide for you too.

The Bible says that He takes care of the sparrows in the sky, and we (His children) are worth far more than sparrows, so He will definitely take care of us. My story of how God provided for me is just a small picture of the grand scheme of things that God does for His children.

God is always at work in our lives. Even when we cannot see Him or feel His presence, He’s still there. The Bible says in Hebrews 13:5 that God will never leave or forsake us. It’s a promise from His heart to ours, and God faithfully keeps all of His promises!

I’m still growing in my faith walk with God, and I love it when He reminds me of Bible verses that apply to my experience. The Bible verse that speaks to my recent experience involving my desire for Panera reminds me of Isaiah 65:24 (NIV) in which God says, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”

It delights my soul that God taught me a lesson of His providence through answering my unspoken prayer regarding my desire for food from Panera. He used this to remind me that He cares about every detail as big as paying a mortgage to as small as buying a favorite meal from your favorite café.

So I’d like to encourage you to go to God first with your every concern, request, and praise report. Then trust Him to provide for your every need… and sometimes your wants too! Trust that sometimes, even before you go to Him in prayer, He’ll hear you and answer your heart’s desire in a totally unexpected way like He did for me. Why? Because before we call, God will answer; while we are yet speaking, God will hear!

God is amazing, friends! I hope and pray that you will experience His blessings, His providence, and His love for you.

Alexis A. Goring is a passionate writer with a degree in Print Journalism and an MFA in Creative Writing. She loves the art of storytelling and hopes that her stories will connect readers with the enduring, forever love of Jesus Christ. 

You can find her at the following links:

“God is Love” blog:

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Poll results ~ Readers choice

Hi, readers:

I took down the poll I set up to ask readers how they choose their books. Though not scientific by any means, it was fun to see the results. So, here are the numbers:

  • Author recognition:  25 votes, 64%
  • Title: 12 votes, 30%
  • Cover design: 21 votes, 53%
  • Genre: 21 votes, 53%
  • Flyleaf/Back cover blurb: 29 votes, 74%
  • Reviews: 8 votes, 20%
  • Endorsements: 0 votes
  • Recommendations from friends: 13 votes, 33%
129 total votes. But, because I allowed multiple choices, it's hard to tell exactly how many folks actually voted.  But ...

There you have it. Interesting, huh?

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Georgiana Daniels Interview ~ Shadows of Hope ~ Giveaway

Hello, Whispers in Purple readers! Author Georgiana Daniels has graciously consented to answer some interview questions and share with us some insights into her life and her book, Shadows of Hope. AND ... a giveaway.

Welcome, Georgiana! We’re spotlighting your book Shadows of Hope. Please give us the back-cover story.

Thank you so much for having me on your blog today, Peggy! I’m excited to visit with you. Shadows of Hope delves into a marriage that’s disintegrating and what it looks like from three very different points of view.

Crisis pregnancy worker Marissa Moreau suspects her husband is cheating, but little does she know how close to home her husband’s infidelity hits. College student Kaitlyn Farrows is floundering after a relationship with her professor leaves her pregnant. Soon she lands a job and a support system at the local pregnancy resource center and things seem to be turning around. 

But when Marissa and Kaitlyn become friends, neither one knows they share a connection—Colin, Marissa’s husband and Kaitlyn’s former professor. When their private lives collide, the two women must face the ultimate test of their faith and choose how to move forward as they live in the shadows of hope.

Oh, my! Reminds me of the line from Tale of Flodden Field by Sir Walter Scott: "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!"
What inspired you to write Shadows of Hope?

Examining the way people’s faith is affected when they face the worst thing they can imagine intrigued me. Every Christian will, at some point, be confronted by tragedy or heartbreak. The question is, will their faith be strengthened or lost?

How did you come up with this story?
Nugget of truth: I’m a slow, slow writer. I started Shadows of Hope so long ago that I don’t remember the precise spark that came to me. I do know that trying to come up with the worst situation I could fathom eventually evolved into this story. Because my marriage and family are a treasure, I can’t imagine a more heartbreaking scenario.
While I haven’t personally experienced what my main character, Marissa, does, I have experienced those emotions at other points in life. I was able to draw on betrayal and profound disappointment, and hopefully convey the full range of emotions that way.

What surprised you the most during the writing of this book?
I was surprised by how easy it was at times to write the POV of the antagonist. He’s someone I don’t identify with at all—nor would I want to—but some of the things that went through his mind just rolled off my fingers. And I was like, I can’t believe he just thought that!

For example, he doesn’t believe he’s really been unfaithful to his wife in the ways that really matter. Seriously? Dude, you’re having a baby with someone else! But there are people who will justify their bad behavior and make it everyone else’s fault. That’s real life.

For sure!
What kind of research did you have to do, if any?
Some authors love research and taking little detours while they dive into different topics. I want to be one of them, but I’m not—at least not yet. Once I hit that phase, though, I have a feeling I’ll be spinning off in all kinds of directions.

This wasn’t a research-heavy book, thankfully, but there were a few bits I didn’t have a clue about, like how professors achieve tenure and how academia works in general. It wasn’t a huge part of the story, but I wanted to get it right. Also, I needed to know a bit about ultrasounds and what kind of training someone would have in order to do that type of work.

What do you hope readers will take away from this book?
My prayer is that readers will come away realizing that no matter what they’re going through, no matter how big the tragedy, they can trust God. Their faith might look differently than it did before, but that’s okay.

Through reading about a character who faces a horrible situation and comes out with a stronger faith, I hope readers will say, “I can do that too!”
God will use every trial we face to make us more like Christ if we’ll let Him.

Amen! If you had a choice, what would be your ideal writing place?
So many possibilities! I’d like to be in a cozy nook, filled with books and the smell of books, curled away with pen and paper while lightning flashes across the sky. Thunder crackles and rain beats against the window while I delve into my story.

Oh, I like the image of that. Sounds like my kind of place. I love thunderstorms.
So, what is your actual writing place like?
Well, I live in sunny Arizona and my laptop is surround by the kids’ school books. I’m pretty much praying the coffee doesn’t spill because there’s just enough space on the table to keep it next to me. How’s that for living the dream?

What ministries are you involved in … and why?
Since we just moved…none! At our last church, our family’s favorite ministry was helping out at the food center—that was an incredible blessing! Our church also contributed to Knitted Knockers, so I spent quite a bit of time knitting. After we settle in next month, I’d love to get back into the food center/feeding the hungry because that’s an area of need that keeps tugging our hearts.

What talents do you have, aside from storytelling, that is?
Knitting—I adore playing with yarn! Did you ever see the commercial where the kid is covered head-to-toe in a giant piece of knitwear because they’d just received a package from Nana? That’s probably how my family feels.

Perhaps once our two younger girls are on their own I’ll have more time to develop other talents since there are so many things I’m interested in trying.
One area where I’m not skilled: cooking. There, I said it. The secret is out!

Did you have/do you have a day job? How did it influence what, or how, you write?
I haven’t had a regular day job in 13 or so years, but I never know what tomorrow holds. Prior to homeschooling the kids, I had some great careers that I enjoyed. I was a stock broker, and before that I was in retail management. (It’s rumored I could occasionally be heard crooning out a tune over the intercom before the store opened.)

Those careers were so long ago that I’m not sure they can be said to have influenced much of my writing. But I’ll tell you this: part of being a new broker was going door-to-door to build the business. I learned a ton about how to handle rejection—a handy skill to have as a writer!

Definitely! Finally, tell us about your next project.
I wish I knew, Peggy! I have a project I’ve been working on, but I’m a bit stuck at the moment. It’s research intensive, and as I mentioned previously, that’s not my forte. It’ll be a while before another book actually hits the shelves.

The thing is, I’ve made peace with that. Maybe someday I’ll enter a season of life that allows me to shift priorities, but right now homeschooling the kids as they finish middle school/enter high school tops the list.

Thanks, Georgiana. It’s been a pleasure visiting with you.
I’ve enjoyed our visit! Thank you so much for having me here. I do hope to meet you in person one day!

Here's a little bit more from the back cover:
A story of hope in the aftermath of inconceivable betrayal and broken dreams What if. . .. . .you struggled with infertility but unknowingly befriended your husband’s pregnant mistress?
What if. . .. . .the woman you were seeing behind your wife’s back gets pregnant, threatening your job and marriage?
What if. . .. . .your boyfriend never told you he was married and you discover you’re pregnant?
 Abouit Georgiana:
Georgiana Daniels resides in the beautiful mountains of Arizona with her super-generous husband and three talented daughters. She graduated from Northern Arizona University with a bachelor's degree in public relations and now has the privilege of homeschooling by day and wrestling with the keyboard by night. 

She enjoys sharing God's love through fiction and is exceedingly thankful for her own happily ever after.

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About the Giveaway:
Georgiana is offering a free print copy (US Only) of Shadows of Hope to one of this blog's readers. To enter, simply leave a comment below with your name and contact information (in case you're the winner) and tell us why you'd like to win this book. You'll get a second entry if you become one of my follower (see sidebar) and mention it in your comment.
Giveaway ends one week from today, Wednesday, April 18, at Midnight CDT. 

We hope to hear from you!

Georgiana, thank you so much for being my guest this week. It's been a pleasure learning about your book, and something about you, too.