Friday, April 13, 2018

Before I Call ~ Devotional by Alexis A. Goring

Before I Call
A devotional by Alexis A. Goring

Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”
~Isaiah 65:24 (NIV)

One day, God answered a prayer that I did not pray. His providence amazes me! Allow me to tell you the story of the time when God answered me before I called.

It was an ordinary weekend. The food supply in the house was low, but I didn’t have money to buy groceries. I found myself thinking, I wish I had money to go to Panera, but I need to save my money to pay bills. So I determined to do without. I stayed home and went about my business.

A few hours later, I was talking to a writer friend who I was helping by providing feedback on certain elements in her story. She told me that she appreciated my time and talent, so she wanted to give me a gift as a thank you for my pro bono services. She asked me to choose what I wanted and suggested options like gift cards from Amazon and Starbucks. My first thought was about my wish list of books on Amazon, so I asked for an gift card. So she sent that to me via e-mail within the hour.

But since our arrangement was ongoing, she’d offered to send more than one gift throughout the editorial process. And I decided, since I was craving Panera, that’s what I’d ask for. But I wondered, how? I didn’t know if Panera had e-cards. So I called a local restaurant, and they directed me to their company website where indeed there was an option to send e-gift cards. I copied the direct link and sent it to my writer friend who then agreed that my payments going forward would be e-gift cards to Panera!

After our conversation, I realized God had answered me before I called. I never stopped and prayed to Him to make a way for me to have enough extra money to go to Panera, I simply thought it and pushed the thought aside when I realized it wasn’t happening right now. But God heard my thoughts, and He decided to bless me unexpectedly!

God is so good. He watches over all of His children—the ones who know Him and the ones who do not know Him yet. He wants us all to be saved in His Kingdom, to make it to Heaven and spend eternity in His presence. But we have to choose to accept the gift of salvation that He offers through His Son Jesus Christ, and we have to choose to follow Him.

Falling in love with Jesus and following Him have been the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I wouldn’t be able to stand through the trials and storms of life without Him and His provision. Just like God provided for me by answering my prayer before I asked, He wants to provide for you too.

The Bible says that He takes care of the sparrows in the sky, and we (His children) are worth far more than sparrows, so He will definitely take care of us. My story of how God provided for me is just a small picture of the grand scheme of things that God does for His children.

God is always at work in our lives. Even when we cannot see Him or feel His presence, He’s still there. The Bible says in Hebrews 13:5 that God will never leave or forsake us. It’s a promise from His heart to ours, and God faithfully keeps all of His promises!

I’m still growing in my faith walk with God, and I love it when He reminds me of Bible verses that apply to my experience. The Bible verse that speaks to my recent experience involving my desire for Panera reminds me of Isaiah 65:24 (NIV) in which God says, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”

It delights my soul that God taught me a lesson of His providence through answering my unspoken prayer regarding my desire for food from Panera. He used this to remind me that He cares about every detail as big as paying a mortgage to as small as buying a favorite meal from your favorite café.

So I’d like to encourage you to go to God first with your every concern, request, and praise report. Then trust Him to provide for your every need… and sometimes your wants too! Trust that sometimes, even before you go to Him in prayer, He’ll hear you and answer your heart’s desire in a totally unexpected way like He did for me. Why? Because before we call, God will answer; while we are yet speaking, God will hear!

God is amazing, friends! I hope and pray that you will experience His blessings, His providence, and His love for you.

Alexis A. Goring is a passionate writer with a degree in Print Journalism and an MFA in Creative Writing. She loves the art of storytelling and hopes that her stories will connect readers with the enduring, forever love of Jesus Christ. 

You can find her at the following links:

“God is Love” blog:


  1. Thank you, Alexis for this lovely devotional today. I loved you you portrayed the sudden yearning for something specific, and how God came through for you. Isn't He wonderful?

  2. Thank you, Alexis, for sharing your excellent devotional and testimony! As I read, I kept thinking of Ephesians 3:20 "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or THINK..." I love that it doesn't just say more, but says "exceeding... abundantly... above... ALL" ! I thought of the many times that I, too, have found this Scripture to be so very true - beyond even my imagination!

    1. Hi, Becky! Thanks for visiting. What a lovely scripture verse to share. Isn't that a wonderful promise?
